Sen it fast with a classified adphone 577-5772 T1TC ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, May 17, 1978 17-C 760 Homesites, Subdivision lake, River, Coastal Prpty. 767 Formi and lands Office, Desk Space, Rent 805 770 Aviation and Services Pickups, Vons, 4 WD 912 90S 912 farms and Land's 770 BUCKHEAD BROKERS, In4. 5491 Roswell, 252-2030 Commercial Property, Sale 825 SMYRNA, All. ac. lot, older home, ideal ofc use, priced to sell.
588-5615, 95. NE. C6B5 Bells "Ferry-H Piedmont area. Approx. ac.
partially burned home. Prlct nego- LAKE LANIER. Campsites 8, homesites available. 1-404-532- SUPER Cub, PA-18, 125 h.p, CHEVROLET C20, 1971, V-B, 4 speed, radio and heater, power VANS! MUST SELL FORTFNRPBBV ecu tv rn praxes. 12X16.5 tires.
448-1658. taoie. long bed, automatic, rebuilt 3o4 engine, transmission, new tires, dual muffler system, paint, much jvOKKts Lake. Waterfront, septic $1595 up. '71 '78.
Reduced for quick sale. Work vans, play vans. 8. window Vans. 934-7885.
Dir. FORSYTH COUNTY 3 ACRES IN THE COUNTRY 2 minutes from 400, 20-25 min. to 285. $900 down. $72.19 per month.
5-10 acres also available. 955-6247, Owner, Bldr. CHEVROLET Pickup 1972, VJ ton, NEWTON County. 3 acre wooded homesite near Salem campground. 3660 Market St.
296-6421 GEORGE BRUCE RLTY 449-1414 45) Buf. Hwy. Norcross. LAND igim, oaai opch. sasuu.
yz-qyyo. "iv, ucsi viler. 770-311, a cynnoer. tvenmgs, PALM Coast. Fia; Lot, $4900.
688- CnOn Wili rtrM CHEVROLET Silverado, 1977, PRESIDENTIAL PARK Ideal office location at Intersection of 1-85 No. 8. 1-285. Adiacent to Quality Inn Hotel Northsioe Airport X'press, offering continual bus service to airport. Reasonable rental rates, abundant tree parking, individually temperature controlled suites, wall to wall carpeting, vinyl wall throughout.
CARTER ASSOC. INC. Jerry L. Pinkerton, 451-7027 FORECLOSURE. Brick office building.
Most attractive and modern. 165 Alexander St. Somebody will recognize a steal at $120,000. Marietta Realty, 1900 Le-Land 952-5554; 422-2827. vnv riv.nui 17, 0, riUU, VO, Oir, qrgo uciore mamaner opm.
HALLMARK LAND SALES VOLKSWAGEN Van 1969. Clean in and out. Runs good. Radio, healer. S850.
244-1539. AA APPROVED FLEIGHT SCHOOL CESSNA 152 $17.00 PER HOUR IFR 172 $27.00 PER HOUR ARROW III $40.00 PER HOUR BONANZA V-35 560 PER HOUR COMMERCIAL AVIATION INC 455 1722 jicpaiae, ouuu miles, loaded, 614-5715. KQSweil KQ. Z56-4400 N. FAYETTE Civ.
84 ac, water, gas, terms. 964-7069, WEST WESLEY AREA Beauti-fullv wooded acre. OwnerAgent. 351-9035, 256-060, First Land Col- FULTON, (North), 1 to 3 Ac, B'ham. $3,975 at Terms.
VOLKSWAGEN, 1972, hide-away WARD WIGHT CO. Since 1922 Realtors Tower PI. 261-9300 rumu pickup ivu. immaculate, loaded, $5195. Evenings, 451-1984 nr ttfR-flun peo, $ieue.
m-itit atter CHEVROLET Suburban '74, oaded, like new, priced Io sell will VW, 1973, Campmobile. Excellent ANAMA CITY BEACH, FL 2 beaut, homes on beach. CA heat. 1 has 4 lge. completely owner will financ.
or will lease woption tg purchase. Call aft. 6 p.m., 404-255-4371; 1, 3 BR. home completely owner financ. or will lease woption to purchase.
Call aft. 6 404-255- Out of State Realty 780 ii que. agl. no alien no. n.t.
nil TnN NORTH condition. MZ-M20. MULTI-TENANT Commercial bldg. near 1-285; Atlanta NW. sq.
fenced loading area, JEAN NEWMAN 938-8984, HELMER RLTY 325-0110. 2552 NE Xay. FORD-pickup. '74, 6 short bed, nice, 82050. 469-8880.
Dir. an w.b. xway, aune too AIRPLANFS WANTFD 18' VAN Bodv lor Iruck with wi.ivii 1 1 is 1 1 1 1 3 acre $1950 down. $144.86 per month. $6500 per acre, '-'i mile CHEVROLET Truck, 1970, BUILDING Lots.
RoswetL E. Cobb, Sandy Springs and Ounwoody. Canterbury Realty, J300 Roxburgh FORD Ranoer XLT. 197? hnrt. ALABAMA, Randolph 10 wooded acres, stream, $7,500.
Financing. ROSWELL. Modern building. Competitive rates. Call Sluart Colt, Workman Co.
3098 Piedmont Rd. heavy duty lilt on rear. Excellent condition. 1-7783-4291, Monday Dodgie Stockmar Is paying wholesale prices for airplanes, I need to buy today. Phone 1-404-684-6511.
Wide Bed. Loaded, accessories. irum Milan 10 MinrCTIt WIUO. BY ur. m-wj union, M-07IB.
aaiuroav. garage kept, cream puff. Must see owner. T3a-o4f. CHEVROLET Van, 1971, 6 cylinder, stick shift, excellent condition, ARTHUR RUBLOFF CO.
REALTORS PRIME RIVER LOTS. to appreciate, yj-1347. 72 FORD PICKUP BAY POINT FLORIDA GRIFFIN AREA, 10 aciup, open. may wneeis, new ures, carpet. TREASURE Lake, deep lot, num-ber 1-376, near lake access.
This lot must be sold, any reasonable 400 Colony Sq. 892-7400 1977 SUPER Decalhalon Fully Arn. ISA I dial TUCKER S4.50 per Square Foot, including utilities, private entrance and bath. 934-0270. MUlfc LAMB, INC 233-7269 973-720 FORD Ranger XLT '73 Pickup, loaded, extra nice, Mickey poo-raw, JH-3I.
3 2 BA. house on golf course. 30 ft. screen porch. $1000 below fllheM hrMICO in irat V-l, special of the week.
No, 902. $1285 CITY DODGE 2650 N. Decatur 292-2489 COMMERCIAL, inuduslrial sales CHEVROLET Window Van, 1978, oner consioerea. Alter y7-3592. uraves, joi-bjuo, air siani speed prop, ft positive 5 negative.
ATLANTA AIRCRAFT a uumi, is yr. terms. LARGE Country home, 1.23 ac, paved road, $12,800. 35 ACRES, N. Spalding Co.
$695 BRICK RANCH, 3 BR Fplc, liOUCU. 91, BW, l-pjt-JIJJ, leases, naas a. uooo Kity, Haas-Howell Bldg. 522-3)11. FORD Ranoer.
1967 Pickuo. lona BUILDING Lots, Morse Realtors, 3025 Peachtree, 213-1133, nished. $79,500. Penny Nelson, CHEVROLET 19S4, Panel Truck, elwrelliftne Ua full nauj ACUU wheelbase, new 8 ply tires, air, SHORTBASE, 1977, low mileae carpeted, stock van, economical. 774-iJwui jyj-jiuu.
ONE Acre lot. Deer Run UPSON CO. 100 acres incl. 27 acre stocked lake wconcession stand, 4 streams, 2 dwelling. All fenced.
60 miles. So. of downtown Atlanta, 255-8167, Mr. or Wwu wilUlnuil, .1373. DI-U4.
loads of chrome. $2500 or ADAMS-CATES CO. Realtors 522-5477 201 Hurt Bldg. ATLANTA Cleveland 100- vonyers. ojj-oja.
FLIGHT Engineer Written Course, every Friday, Saturday Sunday. FORD Supervan 1972, 6cylinder, standard transmission, 48,000 oner. yj am-nm. uai ii, a au 78 ACRES, Pasture, fenced, creek, $595 per ac. JOHN HERBERT, lur um KEATON BEACH, FLA.
2 BR. cottage, fishing resort, completely priv. dock. Will sacrifice for $19,000. Call Owner, 955-3888 days; 955-0314 nights.
BISHOP trucks, cars, 2235 Stewart S.W. 768-5600. RALPH SOSBEE BKR. 5599 Gor-don Rd 948-7117, 948-4252. rut a.
ri CHEVROLET T972, Pickup, 4x4, Ajau na.txw. owner, 964-oyz6. vci Mviaiion, nrlun. iiinga. HSMng: EXECUTIVE SUITES The Prado, Roswell Rd.
at I-28S The ultimate In executive offices for the small company, 12 12 to 15 17 offices. Complete office services by skilled professional secretaries. Telex. TWX, handsome reception and conference rooms. Short term leases.
ALSO Custom designed office suites from 432 to 3,000 Sq. ft. Full commission toco-broker. Call 255-4011. mur spt-eg, sTereo, jj-bw.
FORDS, 1971, 'i ton Vans, walk- 0246. PARTNER wanted to buy 180 Comanche or 180 Cherokee base at WOODED Building lot for sale. $2700, easy terms. 477-0455. Motorcycles end Needs 915 CHEVROLET.
1973 pickup Iruck, ms, nice, UV3 traoe. era-otv. Atlanta Direct 523-7101 BUY direct maior oil Co. Surplus Stations. Call Guy Bullock 458-6961.
COTTEE CO. RLTY. 230 Peachtree St. 523-8211 WEST POINT1 Lake lots for sale. Protected subdivn.
Boat dock privl. 1 acre or better. Contact Durand-Grace Realty, 209 Church La-Grange, Ga. or call 882-7773. ruiion uouniy.
mier 0, yp4-yuv. GRIFFIN 4BFA a ml r.rlf. BMW Cycle Imports GUZZl NORTH Carolina 19 Acres on Nottely River, near Murphy, 2 streams. R. Marshall, Rt.
2, Box 19 Nebo, N.C. (28761). (704j 652- 765 QUIT, Mountain Property AIRCRAFT insurance lower rale. R. W.
Miles, 659-4500. FORD Van 1974, E100, V-8 engine, stick shift, extra clean bodv and interior. 30.000 miles on rebuilt en- jjo nnemoriat zaa-iH34 CHEVROLET, V-8 aulo: fin, paved corner tract, $1750 per ac. SLAOE REALTY. 914 W.
Taylor St. Griffin, 227-1161; All. BEST Rental rates in town. Mod- marie, 2V4-0456. 1300.
WEST POINT LAKE LOTS gine. loeai tor modifying. 252-3104, DRAPER-OWENS CO. RLfS. 200 NORTH CREEK 262-7311 REDD 8, BALDWIN REALTORS rUCWDAI 1A91 i PAUAMA ritu Burh DO 4 ern rro wir, 3a-oa.
area ton tree: OBB-3yo. BMW MOTORCYCLES EXCLUSIVEWRIGHT'S CYCLE CENTER, 193 Pike Lawrenceville, Ga. Complete line of new hikes, parts, service and accessories. c. D.
Winslow, 688-7482 FORD Van 1976, 150, air, AMFM, panneled finished interior, very i i(i) automatic wide pickup. (1750. 422- ALPINE HELEN AREA Small (. large tracts, homes, cabins, farms, river properly. All Region Main St.
Helen, Ga. 1-878-2258; nights, 1-865-4025. CAROL'S Aircraft Insurance full fenced approx. is neaiev su-ax. PB-034I low V4B-3UW.
WEST POINT LAKE LOTS Mack Reynolds 522-6448; 997-3591 Southern Forests, 524 Carnegie. Industrial Property, Sale 830 GRIFFIN 5 ac.up, $795-11095, lakesite streams. 25 ac.3 ac. lake cabin, $35,000. H8.R PROPERTIES, 113 No.
telh. t-. AM Drec: 577-6622, Griffin: PLIGHT INSTRUCTION. Prvt. CHEVROLET 1974, 4x4, auto-matic, power steering, brakes, BMW-1971, R605, Vetter Lowers And Trunk.
Very Good Condition. BENT TREE. View lot TENN (So. 101 ac. lust off 1-65.
2 houses, barn, all utll. avail. 85 at under 938- inaiiuiiieni i-ourses. j3-uou. 262-2590 237-8684 SUMMER PLACE tviaxe utter.
Must aem wi-V4i. 100X350' ON Cleveland Avenue. FORD 1950 Pickup, must sell, ismper snen, lo. txceuem. ystw, 926-7247.
AMERICUS GA. New office facilities, 65,000 sq. ft. w'house. Call for details.
912-924-8844. MIA BAAVAf 1077 7C.C jen or iraai tot airplane. V64-09Z6. EXECUTIVE SUITES 27 new executive suites, fully staffed with secretarial and answering personnel await you at prestigious North Atlanta location. Conv Conference room included in rates.
Short term leases with monthly rent beginning at S125 are available. 1-285 at Chamblee Dunwoodv Rd. Call 458-6821 for more information. Stonehenge Properties, 4470 Chamblee Dun-woody All. wi.i.t, CHEVROLET 1975 Silverado, half BIG CANOE-Beautiful scenic tot-AAust Sell, $10,900.
2nd Mortgage Available. 992-2634. excellent, sijju, GWINNETT. Old Farm House, 12 2 BA, 12 Acres, Corral, Creek, needs handy man owner, Heavy Trucks, Buses 910 Ton, gooq snape, 5Z-7Z53. rVKW, I7D3, BCIUBI miieS, new alternator, regulator, battery, AMERICUS GA.
New office facilities, 25,000 sq. ft. w'house. Call for details. 9)2-924-8844.
ujn 7Q7, vvei rUBUDAI CT IBIiT i- BIG CANOE acre estate Inl must sen saw). 34V-3VV3. "ra oiacx Trim, waterfront lot, 30 miles South of Tallahassee, next to Shell Point Beach. All underground utilities.
Similiar lot selling for $12,000. Must sell. Reasonable offer. (912) 382- CHEV. C-50, '71, 12' Alum, Vam side $2400, nujnar 1 rf OCA a Walk to Swim club, tennis 8- golf.
ii, nrm. al-i)j QUIET AND SECLUDED ON LAKE LANIER 12 60 screened porch and sun deck adioins a two bedroom mobile home completely furnished. Located on a beautiful wooded lot with outside barbecue pit and natiri I rtt It iww uumi. uniiei ri- nance. Shown Thurs.
May 18. 4 CAN-AM MX-2 1976, 250, moto-crosser, new piston and rings. ieermgbrakes, $2850, 434-8297, FORD 1967 Van, raised roof, carpeted. Ideal for camping. $85(1.
964- APPROXIMATELY 50 ac. on 1-85, lust north of Greensboro, N.C. $5000 per ac, Lambeth-Osborne Really, P.O. Box 3566, Greens- i.hc i-oa norin io winger Highway 211 exit, turn right, follow CHEVROLEt 1 Ion, Fiat Dump! excellent conoition, Make oners. uyr, quer pmweenenos U7V.
BREVARD, N.C. ac. land, with beautiful waterfalls, golf, tennis, takes. $6500 wterms. 449-3578.
atriiice. hai-qmi. RETIRED. Florida bound fnr 475-5386 sreering, $2300, FORD 1969 F-inn Van ilr hta ooro, n.l. zmoz.
yiy-zz-aiM, CYCLE Insurance-LOW RATES GWINNETT, 2 Ac, $8,000. Terms. door, loaded, 29.000 'miles. Excel- Ian fnmrllHni ltfu A1 fair 6, 18 mpg, $1400. 634-3693.
981- 10.12 ACRES. Industrial. All utili driveway Into an adioining auto mins. TO l-ZCO, Jfl-BBUJ. B271 after 5.
energy conservation. Property in Florida saletrade equal in Hall County. Write: P.O. Box 2124, Westside Branch, Gainesville, CHEVROLET 1966 School bus, 66 passengers, clean, good condition. New motor, tires, brakes.
Musi GWINNETT, 5 Ac. Mobile home wai vai aw. ouv varus urr ins CHEVROLET-1976 Shorlbed Dirknn Cnlt.HslA ,......1 ties. 7 minutes from proposed new Atlanta Airport. Sacrifice $1,600 Acre.
(404) 629-9013. HARLEY-DAVIDSON GRAND OPENING SALE 1978 MODFI i iracr, i5w on. si mo. jb-bboj. N0RTHSIDE AIR TERMINAL OFC.
BLDG. 1-285 AT 1-85 N. QUALITY STES. FROM 300 SQ. FT.
UP-COACH SVC. TO AIRPT SECT'L SVC-QUICK PRINTING-RESTLOUNGE TRAVL AGCY CONFERENCE LEASING FORD, 1970 Ranchero, 6-cvlinder, automatic, air, 53,000 miles, new nrJkk ac nnnrl ilrar A.M..II ueorma, JV3UI. ace 10 gppreciaie. 43-3 vt. bue wilh white trim.
350Enoine, GWINNETT, i-10 acres, wooded Doug Wllkerson Assoc, Snellviiie CLEVELAND, GA. Beautifully wooded lots, permanent Bldg. sites, city water, small streams 8, mln. scenes. ,1 of selling price down 1 of selling price per mo.
THE WOODS, OwnerDeveloper. Day, 1-865-3111, night, 1-865-3838. Please make all Phone calls collect. LAKE Front lot in Bear Paw, oir, power steering DraKes. Auto- Income, Investment, Sale 835 condition.
$1495 or best offer. 964- ynsuw, yz-364. niwassee uam. Norm Carolina, end lot on road, $9,995, 23's the JTOJ, maiic Transmission, 2U.UUU miles, S4.700, 766-7430 days; 477-0416 FXS-1200 $3795 FLH-1200 $3995 XLH-1000 $2895 XLCH-1000 $2795 FLH-80 $4495 OWNER TRANSFERRED -Must sell, reduced. Cinnamon Cove Condo.
Great loan assumption. 3 evel, 3 2'j 2800 sq. loaded with extras. Must see to appreciate. Open Sat.
8, 2 to 5 P.m. Call 1-967-6251 or 262-1290. FORD half ton, good wuiiim raie. Z30-UO0. nionis.
CHEVYFORDGMC TRUCKS See Us for Atlanta's Cleanest C. N. MOSS-GENE CRONIC ATLANTA TRUCK CENTER 1240 Moreland SE. 622-8101 "OHC, CHEVROLET 1977 Silverado GWINNETT 84 ac. good location.
Excellent terms. TOM BOST 377-1761, 483-6879 eves. CENTURY 21 Benefield Realty 544 AAedlock Dec. tax shelter-up to too acres, approx 75 mi. from Atlanta.
Call sale Ends Saturday KAD ritivup, extra snarp, tow mileage. BARROW Co. 43 commercial tracts, enrs. on Spate 82 211. Inflation hedge, tax shelter, $15,000 equity.
Cash or terms. Belter than gold, sure enhancement. What Is inflation rale? Call Dan, Landers RI. 4293 Ch. Tk.
Rd. 939-8713; 636-0170. FORD, 1973 E200, window, V-8, ttWterV oi-oyovi-aavs. BRANAN RFAI TV ELLIJAY 10 acres, rolling, wooded, road frontage, reasonable, 993-5024. Gainesville, Ga.
532-769T NO LEASE Remodeled Office. Location. Incl. in Monthly Rent. Reasonably Priced.
872-8344 250 ACRES Burkesvllle, Ky. $180 HALL, 8 Ac, Gainesville area. HARLFY-DAVIDSON CHEVROLET 1977, Step-Van, power steeringbrakes, new tires, CHEVY, 1970, 1 Ion, 350, 4-speed, Ml myu. iu. ww on.
oumo. jra-nouj. OF CLAYTON COUNTY 5346 J'boro Rd. Morrow 361-848? "WM VIICI JPp-Jf FORD, 1973 PTbO Ranger, lengbed, power sleeringbrakes, V-8. ktw mileage, axcailanl.
Invest In lake Lanier prop. 81 acres on GA-400 ripe for development as Marina, lots estate type homes 180 Allen Rd. 256-3911. ion mileage. a t-a68.
785 Wanted Realty HARLEY-DAVIDSON of Atlanta. CHEVROLET 1977, ton, straight, air. 13995. 892-0627. IPIIUCIII WUIIIP.
PT270, 1974. 7-speed, Excellent, COVINGTON Hwy. and 1-285. Duplex, good condition. $29,000.
633-5359 after 5 p.m. tamper top, T.B-3, MIICT CCI I tpi-vim, aner THE REAL HARLEY DEALER HAMPTON AREA 2 acres up, $1500 $1800 per ac. 10 down, 7.6 acres, commercial, wooded. $5000 per ac. JOHN HERBERf 26 E.
Main, Hampton. 225 acres, wooded, bold creek, $595 per ac. ATLANTA DIRECT. 946-4572, 523-710). N.
GA. MTN. LAND Fannin Co. 4 acres, wbeautlful views of mountain, heavily timbered, 400' frontage on good accessible roads, beautiful lakesite, nr. The National Forest, Idea for summer or permanent home.
$3850. $500 down, balance over years. 1-632-5524 or 1-632-5630. CHEVROLET 4 wheel drive Pickup, 1975, air, automatic, 50,000 DODGE Tamdem Dump, 1972. 230 FORD, 1974 Van, E-2O0, V-8, automatic, power steering, factory air.
972-8369. 921-8600. PRIV. offics. from $60 util.
furn. 175 W. Wieuca At Roswell Rd. PrintCopyanssecty serv in bids. AC heat after hrs.
2156 Sylvan Rd at the Lekewood Heavily wooded, extra water front lot on Lake Lanier with over 400 ft. of shoreline. Call for appt. lummins engine, 9513 Road Bannmr Inn.mltriAM ahh nic, cAiencni, jwu. tj-jop.
rrwv. t-none lol-livt. LISTINGS WANTED Let us rent and manage your home, apts. or commercial property. Buckbead area.
Phone 237-8276. Weyman Co. Rltrs. 3384 Peachtree Rd. GRIFFIN AREA, motel, beverage store, trailer hookups, flourishing business, 3 ac.
$165,000. JOHN HERBERT RLTY. Idle, 1630 N. Xwy, Griffin, 228-0246, 227-7273. ATLANTA DIRECT 523-7101 CHEVROLET 77 Van.
G20. mil. Miien, ZOI-JOZO or 'jiii1JiPII, MWMW tion, best offer, 394-1599, 451-3383 FORD-1976, F250, Ranger-XLT Camper Special with Spiril-ll Cap loaoeo, mnes. 44-6111. Cherokee RI.
174 W. Wieuca Rd. HEARD 5 Acres, woods, ana iu ureamer camper. QUALITY Resort lot overlooking beautiful Lake Arrowhead. $8,900.
Assume loan or straight purchase. meadow, $4,500, financing. Carroll- CHEVY Beauville, 1976 window van. 6-passenger, cruise, power sleeringbrakes. air.
AMFM. DODGE, 1972, CNf 900 trl-axle dump, 230-16 16,000 fronts, Ps, 44,000 lbs. rear, 1514 Hell B32-W18. COMMERCIAL 8. Office Space avail.
Prestigious older bldg. undergoing renovation. Prime P'tree location. Call 881-8005. berT MORNINGSIDE AREA 5 Unit perfect for owneroccupant wcash to invest, 875,000.
261-2158. HARLEY-DAVIDSON SALE' '78 MODELS FXS-1200 $3895 FLH-1200 $4095 XLH-1000 $2995 XLCH-1000 $2895 FLH-80 $4595 Harlev-Davldson of Newnan 170 Jefferson St. Newnan, Ga. 253-2201 FORD. 1977.
F100, Long Straight 6, 5200 miles, Mus $4300, 953-0476. jvust HOUSE or condominium, Parkaire Mall, Sandy Springs area, no down payment, assume loan. After 4, 992-4506. mm neojiin, j3-wj. aeu, pp3w.
uarii i-hnu nignis. wuur, new vamt, JM-4J6U. HENRY Acreage, Lrg. Small. Clark Hwy.
42, Stkbrldge 474-3311. IIMIUPDITV Vrhl OA wwwniii, 7A-xt, asx ror Anov. WHITE COUNTY I have a right good selection of Mountain and small acreage tracts with good road frntg. Some front on fast flowing streams others have restful views, up to 30 mi. All are priced to move.
Financing avail. Call Loy Allen, 1-404-865-3672. Own.Dev. FORD 1977 150, 4x4, super tires, OFFICE space, 3179 Maple professionals, lawyers, law library and conference room available. FORD F700, 1975, only 30,000 4-lge.
lots, Morse 24 hrs, 688-7349, 1 Atlanta Cum- SALE OR LEASE loaaeo, excellent, yz-zziz. nw nw conoition, 1404) LISTINGS WANTED At once, large and small tracts of land. 50 miles radius of Atlanta. N. Fulton Rlty.
321-6992. CHEVY Caravan 1977. 2 lone paint iob. power brakessteering, AM FM stereo cassette, captain chairs, long wheelbase, new radial tires. Must sell, best offer.
449- ming, ni-iMS. attractive rates. Z3t-zre5. HENRY CO. LAKE SITE Clean stream, trees, util.
3060 ac, No. of Stockbridge. Priced to sell. Owner. 939-5860.
P.JP FORD, 1978, F100 Ranger, 3000 miles, Explorer. 84450. 923-0464. BUY a homaiita at Lmkm ArrniM. "72t i' Detroit, head.
Atlanta Sales office 404-266-1002 9 iw.ww. w-7ty evenings. SUBLEASE. Perimeter Pk. 7400 sq.
ft. all or part. Short term avail. $5 sq. ft.
Guthrie 300 Interstate N. 955-0921. 037. FORD 1978 TRUCKS HARLEY Davidson Sportster, 1974, extra nice. 82,800.
762-9451 HARLEY Davidson Sportster 1977, red, showroom condition, 1900 WANTED Motels apt. complexes, foreign Investor wcash. BRITT RLTY. 925 Main 469-0381, 972- CHEVY Custom Dlx. '73, S1400 firm, Wayne Kelley, Forms and Lands HENRY County, 9 acres, 20 miles South of Decatur, 5 mi.
North of McDonough, near Cotton Indian Creek, 425 ft. frtg. on Hwy. 155, wooded, stream, $3,000 per 770 100 DENTAL office, fully equipped, midtown, inexpensive, 874-2791. miie5, -5 4i8-60Zl.
i-tuo, BMI, ruKu iyw lanaem Dump, 534 engine, 3-SDeed, 44(000 lb Mack fHCUV Olflturs lOTJ Alt! APARTMENT Complexes, E. W. Quick response. acre, owner, aner p.m. yja-4719.
Stores for Rent F100 Super Cab F150 Long Body F1504X4 M' Wh9006 $2000 807 Mountain Land 1 to 3 acre lots, iolns National Forest, 42 acre trout lake, slreams, good views, paved access on slate route. Call days, 1- BARNESVILLE AREA, 236 Acre farm on paved fenced, streams, $475ac. Terms. Lamar Worthy Really, Inc. 2252 Panola Rd.
Llthonia, 981-4465. HARLEY Davidson 1200CC, 196B, Electra Glide, 75 restored, new engine, many other parts, must sell, $1500. 451-1126 5-8 P.m. HENRY Co. 5 acres, Hearn kq.
ott ranofa ko. tb-UjB. FORD 1973, F-700, flat dump, 5x2, Jingle hoist. $4750. 1-536-1455, 1-263330 i.
THREE Bedroom home. Tucker Lilburn erea. Under $50,000. As- CHEVY Pickup, 1966, camper F1S0 Super Cab HENRY CO. 7 beaut, ac All utll.
939-5860. Near DeKalb. "ver, vo, gooo condition, SHOO, CHEROKEE PLAZA John Paris, Paris 227 Paces Center, 266-9934. HARLEY Davidson 1975 Sporlster, 1,000 XLH, stock. Excellent condi- sumption oniy.
aai-yzBB. WHITE COUNTY Or niZ-JQU. BARROW COUNTY SJPAD BCTUI BUCU FREIGHTLINER tion. onttin. hilbO Long Body F250SiiDerCab CASH For Your House.
482-7471 6288. Rainbow 6440 Hlllendale. CHEVY Pickup, 1977, 6 cylinder. camper cover. S32W, $3378 $3738 $3681 $4586 $3958 $3855 $4125 $4511 $5134 $5709 $4052 $4428 $5601 $3605 15 A.
By Owner. $500 $100 "IS; Wide creek. utlls. JACKSON COUNTY $615 per acre, 30 year terms, 7V4 percent interest, 190 acres, paved road, creek, fenced and cross fenced. Owner.
404-536-0200. HARLEY Davidson, 1975, Sport-sLern iOJOOCC. excellent condition. S23W. 299-0779.
MARIETTA Area, 2200 sq. ft. Across from Sears, great traffic count. 500 mo. tills, included.
427- 0220. F250 Crew Cab NOW OPEN ATLANTA 634-5529. Old homeplace, consisting of 100 Ac. and old home worthy of repair. Paved rd.
frontage, enjoins national forest game refuge streams and heavily wooded 3 ml. from Helen, Ga. 81,000 Per Ac-B E. Sims, Owner, 404-754-2469. F2504X4 F250Sunerfah4Xl HARLEY Davidson, 1974, Sporl-sler XLH, black, excellent, $2,000.
633-1927. Commercial Industrial Realty 800 CHEWS VAN'S '7trUBUVatMl AT IIMf LAMAR COUNTY I have 36 acres for $30,000. F350 Cab Chassis BARROW COUNTY, 5 acres. $100 down. $81 monthly.
294-5606. BARROW 5 AC, 24 52' mobile homa wshingle roof, ixJSsiASpI0X- ml-frm- Athens. 1-725-7022, from 48 p.m. HARLEY Davidson 1941, iust ER F350 Pickuo 1 CHEVY Beauville, 12 Bronco 4X4 HARLEY Davidson. 1976, Super Glide-F blue, 900 miles.
$2050 '27 CHEVY V-l, AT P.S., P.B., 9,000 Sq. Ft warehouse in south Atlanta near Chevrolet plant. 16 Ft. ceiling, 2-ton hoist, 3-phase power, 2 drive-in doors, 1 truck-height door, good office space. Immediate possession.
Exclusive. Call Robert Cassels, Courrier LAKE FARM LD. Lge. small tracts, views, streams, 8 lake. Nat.
Forest, good access financing. MTN. VALLEY RLTY. INC. Hwy.
129 S. Cleveland, Ga. 865-5136 All. 355-7480 MORGAN COUNTY 3'A Miles from 1-20, on paved Vh Miles from Lake Wallace. Good terms.
$625 per acre. 972- NEW USED TRUCK SALES PARTS SERVICE 5884 Frontage Rd. Forest Park. Ga. Tirm.
jfi-oyfy. 805 Office, Desk Space, Rent 807 Stores for Rent 810 Building, Lend Rent 815 Wanted to Rent 820 Warehousing 825 Commercial Properly, Sale 830 Industrial Properly, Sale 835 Income, Investment, Sale 840 Realty Auctions 845 Wanted to Buy Ranchero UADI cv 1 nil 77 SUBURBAN, 4 Wd 20,000 78 BLAZER, 7,000 Cheyenne BIBB COUNTY 100 ACRES Mostly open, fronting on Feagm Nr. Cochran Field, 7h flUJM, tlnmnftvt DIO- ster. Liberty Edition. $2500.
Excel- $4498 $3998 $4139 S103 vrm; wj-boo Bunger. E100 Van E150 Van isjh leni conoition. yj-4B3. HOTUNE erv'c 366-8044 366-8047 366-8047 See at John Smith Company N. BUTTS CO.
Specializing In hard-to-find trucks lake, River, Coostal Property 767 922-3145. HARLEY DAVISDSON, 1971 250CC. 250 miles, must sell. Takt i-3 aoutn i-armers Mkt. jrw-iBO HI FALLS Area lake ( FRUEHAUF, 40'.
18 foot office In up paymems. yei-aj, eveninosi CHEVY, Van 1976, 350 engine, Office, Desk Space, Kent 805 Adams Bryant LTD 511-B North Houston HARLEY Soorlster. 1972. Com. BIG OPPORTUNITY Stores for lease below market: MADDOX PLAZA Shopping Center, respectively Morrow, Georgia, across street from Morrow Jr.
Sr. High Schools; WASHINGTON WEST Shopping Center recpectively just west of 1-285 near Red Oak. Call Bob McArthur, 262-7311. ironi, air, ngnis; storage in rear. Used as construction trailer.
automatic, up" wneeioase, cus-tomiied, 351-0783 nights; 681-2900 merely reouill. snuu. WJ31J, tine MiiiupT peciai, customizea vans, 4-wheel drives, super cabs, stripped vans or shorlbed trucks. No gimmicks or catches on our prices, add only $20 predelivery, trans. sales tax.
All prices and options quoted by phone before Vntl A.nrnla' AIRPORT AREA Furn. Oft Spacecomplete secretarial serv. No Capital Inv. Reg. 763-3400.
uqy. peveriy UADI CV C.nnrnllWn 1Q77 Ml FINCHERVILLE 100 ac. Will divide. Has pasture woods, stream. Low downpavment, great terms.
Call David Thomas. 262-1010, 436-9333. Barton BARTON LUDWIG 3201 Cains Hill PI. NW. Warner Robins.
Ga. CHEVY Van 77, factory custom- i ir.rti.l niKCIVIUCi 17,, IV UVCI rake front end, lot of chrome. excellent. $2395. 963-8550.
GARBAGE Truck, 1963 Ford, Packer body. 997-3055; 622-8667. frame home, wooded, 3 ac, 3 BR. home, lake frontage, wooded 1 ac. Terms (37,000.
20 ACRES, openwooded, beautiful lake, $750per ac. JOHN HERBERT. 1(30 N. Xway, Griffin, 22-0246, 227-7273. 2 ACREup, wooded, river ftage, $795 11500 per ac.
BRIARCLIFFClairmont in, loaoeo, a-3B3t. GMC CHEVY Window Sportsvan. 1977, CARNESVILLE" Chicken Cal-tle Farm, 381 acres, ultra modern, broiler layer operation, new houses, $100,000 broiler. 6500 best Iruck dealer, home of The AT 1-85 unoer warranty, t-oageo, ttb'TSYl. HARLEY Super Glide, 1973, $2900.
Immaculate. Serious inquiries, swamp r-ox. interstate t-ord. CHEVY. 1976, C30 pickup, camper INTERSTATE FORD jhpi-ioi, luquijo, WJWI, cross fenced, plenty of water.
Atlanta Direct 523-7101 milCIPD Dirk 1071 TTT 1, 2, 3 SUITE FURNISHED OR UNFURN. Post office and bank on site. HONDA CB350, 1972, great shape? With helmet. Adult ridden. Alter t.
957-9159 rrarmiin 9, DUKNb I lb REALTY. Wesloale plaza, Bar- very nice 'camper TRADE CITY TRUCK CENTER GMC 8, FREIGHTLINER SALES-PARTS-SERVICE 427-5543 875 5. Cobb Marietta rmDrk nt cinn a' ipu. toa. aov-vajz oir.
JACKSON Lake, Cedar Contem-porary house, permanent living, wnterlrqnl, Alcovy North, 586-5998; 241-6731. 321-4050 (355-7576 nite) NEWNANCOWETA, 35 min. from Airport, 2 ac.up, open, wooded, $1295 per ac. 2 TO 15 acres, $1350 to $1895 per ac Lakesite. 2 ACRESup, nr.
PTree Ctv. Hwy. 54, $2400 per ac. JOHN HERBERT, INC. 1630 N.
Xway, Griffin, 228-0246, 227-7273. ATLANTA DIRECT 461-3334, 523- ununA 1.7. 000 actual was $1995 now DATSUN pickup 1969. good run' CFNTFRVII I ARFA nina conoition. ivw.
ot-3UBy. VUJJU CA.ail.llt condition. After 4 p.m.. 921-6540. HONDA CL450 1972, 9,000 miles 289 2211 Agl r- HurrV" BUCKHEAD Available Now.
Office Space from $4.75 per sq. ft. Contact Howard Workman, Work- Innsbrook new development com- Inn MM DATSUN Pickup, 1973, camper cover, mag wheels. $2,050. 255- TDiirv-c FORD '76, E150.
Van, 6 clean. $3994 768-5000. LAKE Arrowhead, exceptional lot on beautiful creek with lake access. Perfect building site. All ulili-ties.
$10,500. 993-8695. vw, ly'r" vwTciianis and mm. of 1600 so. ft.
home on HONDA CL90, $150 DRAPER-OWENS CO. NORTHSIOE TRUCK SALES Salftt-KeruirA-Piirtc-l Mtlnn iu riohfam mm sniiApr DATSUN Pickup '77. 1 (KM milo. HARRY WHITE FORD Kennesaw 427-7281 NEWN AN Homes Acreage; Lindsev's Inc. 12 Jackson runs good.
Call Wayne Kel- sinan acreage iracis wcountv water, paved streets, wooded, some wstreams. Part OwnerOiaeonal Broker LAKE ARROWHEAD. Lakeview, wooded lot. Sacrifice $9,500. 971- 3355 Lenox Rd.
Buck head Con- HONDA Hawk 1978. EC, 400CC; must sell juickly. $900. Ed, 872- RETAIL Location Available Now FORD '77 F-150. LWB.
sucwrrah ICY, W1TW am. INTERNATIONAL School bus. ncwiiqii, -jj-pr7V, Mil: J-QJ. DATSUN Pickup. J7i i tivl ir OWI, ver ovenooKing Lenox oq.
All services your choice of cite. Incut Inn 460 V-8, PS, PB, AT, AC. AM PMCR maac Chasm CCOQC rll 941 673 gooo. wrier. LAKE ARROWHFAD ll rl.
kcmtK CAdl KLIT. INC. 5 Forks Rd. Lilburn, 921-8684 like new, priced to sell WW trade. a iaim, c.uu acres.
Mr Anriercnn HONDA MR175 1976, immaculate. Haw ap ninhit Tjn-oa3. uir. iuluiium iiHisit ai iuntMVii- tive rales. Call Ivan Entrekin, 'lent location, owner financed with 10 dn.
$10,000. 252-6558. INTERNATIONAL 1966 1700 NEWTON 4 tracts, 3 ac, 17 ac. DATSUN, 1973 pickup with oi-uuM, uimon mgrm. corp CHEROKEE CO.
Small 8, Lge. Acreage Tracts. 15 Mlns. N. of Roswell.
Some wlake or creek ftg. series, gooo engine, new tires, trailer hitch. 5th whpel. set nn fnr Deimonr mils Smyrna Duluth Plaza Duluth Pinetree West Doravllle Newnan Plaza Newnan Collier Heights Plaza-Mlk. Or.
Fairburn Rd. and coming soon North Griffin Square, Griffin Low Rents, 451-0318 HALPERN ENTERPRISES VP, JIOTJ. 1TT-04H. camper TOP. UOOO condition, SIB50.
at ac, 51 ac Good location. TOM BOST 377-1761, 483-6879 eves. CENTURY 21 Benefield Really dump. Is now flat bed. $2000.
Call wuwm, IIIVB Ultlt-C, ll UMI1" ties, furnished, janitorial services, Jn-V373 WeCKQaVS QTter O. 130-yyiii, DATSUN 196 Pickuo. low milp yuuu parniny. ou. n.
ruiron IV- GMC Pickup, 73, S2295. 7 GREENBRIAR DODGE DTjPLEX-P'tree lnd.T!lly Mill area. 2 1 BA. ea recently redec, 1 side vacant. Assumable loan.
Priced in mid $40's. Call Joel Addison, 262-1234. BARTON 8. LUDWIG INTERNATIONAL, 1968 fool CHEROKEE Co. 12 beautiful acres on two large creeks near Canton.
Will subdivide. Atlanta, 522-7268; air, wiyirnnf vstyi nrm. y6-V68. NORTH FULTON CO. 5 Acres, Turnnure van.
3 speed, fn-tffl. nnnr.c oriCK flouse, 3 2 BUF0RD DRUID lllTtDyiTinu.i infA vwwb, auiviiiaiii, van, it, Tradesman, 14,000, excellent, or i-amon. i-4y-cri I LAKE HARTWELL Encompassing 56,000 Acres Is the most desirable lake In the Southeastand we have the most desirable, large lakefronl lots and small acreage tracts on Lake Hartwell for sale and this is an axiomatic fact. 1-800-282-5481 OR (404) 376-8005 LAKE HARTWELL INC. LAKE HARTWELL.
GEORGIA uqi ii, icm-eq. TJB-QUM. 349-5240 initnnniiuiiHid iii-QXie, dump. 671. 9513 trans.
38 RP yv w. paces Ferry J3-0J0. Mils NORTH Fill THM caionion, Mi-utt or Til- 107J a. EXCELLENT SHOPPING CENTER COBB Co. SW 3 acres.
Beautiful: Co. water, nal. gas. Creek and 300 ft. paved rd.
frontage. Exceptlo-naly nice area. 810,500. 948-2)55. DU04.
7A K.t. ra 38,000 miles, air. AMFM power Excellenf Individual office space, Incl. Secretary answering service. Call CFArial CnlnllAn, BU.
INCOME Properties rental apts. wanted. Forward details to Cambridge Prop. 511-2727 Victoria Pk. Scarborough, Ont.
CAN. M1T1A6. ulici ui prime reiQenuai iflna. Available near Crabapple in North J0YNER TRUCK SALES tereo, uu. wayne r.AAr 107B Dskllv CTV rt, .1.
tciieyf J17-a7IAIf agl. COWETA CO. GA's Largest Used Heavy-Duty DODGE DIM, 1977. Loaded. 943 -uiiwib wuuiiit.
t-aiiurijT, oarn, fenced, hardwoods and scenic creek. Excellent price. Southeast LOCATIONS. LOW RENT passenger, 20,000 miles, Loaded, Us lor $10,006, Asking $7700, 981- 4ujj atter e. CHAMBLEE.
offices for rent. Excel, loc, 900 sq. ft. carpet. 457-0529, 455-1753.
2935 Moreland Ave. BUSINESS corner lot and block building. Write: P.O. Box 2124, Westside Branch, Gainesville, Ga. em suang rung, T33-jyjz.
For Please Call 633-0142. pOb.GE MAXI Van. 17. Plush pnrkTiAi fft GMC '78 Pick no. JL Vane in tlnrk HONDA NORTHWEST HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 1 year ago this month, Honda Northwest became Georgia's No.
I dealer. We are celebrating wills our biggest sale ever. General Manager, Mike Prince, has dropped the price on every bike on the floor lo get you rolling now. Buy in May at January prices. AUTOMATIC BARGAINS! For Our Shiftless Friends Honda Express was $309, nov $289 (As seen on TV) sn Hawk Automatic was S1475, nov, CB750 automatic was $2395, nov, GL 1000.
was $3249, now $2999 Hawk Type II, was $1375, now $1265 CB 750K, was $2249, now $2075 CB 750F, was $2349, now CB 550K, was $1875, now $1725 "If you can't trade with Honda Northwest, vou don't want bike." HONDA NORTHWEST 993 S. Cobb Marietla 427-2411 ruA.iDi tre Atlanta 404-363-4360 Macon 912-788-0303 paved rd. heavily wooded, stream. Wiwgi iioge. I.
1,040 SQ. Old National outside Perimeter. 934-1674. Pilgrim 5403 Old Nat'l. Hwy.
34 nr. 1-75, 259 acs. $1100 per ac. Low downpavment. Long terms.
Improved, fenced, pasture. Paved frontage on 2 rds. Call pvjd Thomas, 262-1010 or 436- BARTON LUDWI6 3201 Cains Hill PI. NW. 262-1010 A I mM 107J 1 B.1 from $3950! GENERAL GMC, 745 r.
I-1 nnnn Store front and office space for rent. Reasonable rates, 400500 Mcauurui nornesiig. yor LAKE HARTWELL FORECLOSED Only 3 lake front 10 Interior lots left, choice. Priced below mrkt. excellent terms.
1-85 8, Harbor Light Marina within walking distance First Bank Trust, Carnes-yille, GA. (404) 384-4545. Call dur iTicmmiai UI. JC 3-7JJB. uuupc pickup iv4, 6 cylinder.
KENw6p.Tsj IVi nik fac' ioi 872-5833 Speclalire in income prop. ouiumgiic, flgoq. 3U. yio-yibt. IWsF blackblack.
CLOVER Really. 2970 Peachtree Building, Land Rent 810 Cummins tandem 13 axle, splendor kit Inter. Loaded. Call Buford Hwy. DODGE Street Van 1977.
Silver. E. CHEROKEE, 2 Br. Frame House, 3 acres land, lge. storage house, 30x60 barn (excellent for Horses), County or well water.
Fruit trees, Metro Phones. Heavily acvci qi giiessones. ivi-Gsq, wooeri pray rpj-4gw apt. COLONY SQUARE Individual Offices 8929951 JEEP, Wagoneer, 1977, 24,000 miles, loaded, excellent condition. NO OOWN PAY Owner, Harold Wms.
907 Marietta. 872-0757. DODGE Street Van, 1977, 10,000 ing ousiness nrs. LAND ROVER; '71 "88" 4 wheel drive, good condition, $2350. 233- wooqeo, cjargen spot, t- BB-Z4I.
LAKE Hartwell, lot 100x100, near ROSWELL Rd. for Lease 2 houses on ac. lot. 255-6074; 659-6308. SNELLVILLE For rent.
Corn mercial bldg. 4400 sq. ft. or 2200 nin, power steering, power brakes, air, "318" v-8, AM JEEP Willys, 1946, 4-wheel drive Reolty Auctions 840 lyir. t-M, Yiw 8, assume loan.
474-2802. DECATUR FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG. Free law, tax, library. 306 jnnn.n it viviiian, sooa conouion, ri MAC B61, 1966, Tandem Dump, DODGE Tradesman Van 1077 I AKF HARTWFI I SPALDING CO. Brooks, Ga.
100 ac. cattle farm complete. Like New 5,000 set. ft. hse.
15 to 100 ac. $1500ac 428-6511; Griffin 228-0097. 7 XDV. sg. tt.
ror into, ya-i iaa. must sen, puuu, i to I-6B4-5BI2. ICCD 107J r-tt a Air' ii il'L' HUDSON MARSHALL, INC. Realtors 8. Auctioneers Call-toll free: Ga.
1-800-342-2666 Outside Ga. 1-800-841-9400 fully customized wilh latest designs, one owner, low mileage. For MACK Tractor. 1969. twin nrraia, 373-3351 Bldg.
Rm. 819. vjj, run uar, extra clean. $3288. Call J.
Ctoutier niiNwnnnvi-int mTormanon can 4U4-J3a-zira cab over with sleeper, 10-speed, road ranger, good condition. 948- or j. cstes wviyi agf. hfinrET Tr.m.n 107. TOOMBS, County.
500 acres, 125 cultivation, pond, borders 1 mile on the Ohoopee River, on paved metal wts, atrer a. FAST Food facility available for lease or sublease In southwestern Ga. J900mo. Triple net lease. Runs to 1988 wrenewal option.
Prospect must demonstrate solid financial statement successful operating history. Contact R. Reese, Box 6141W, Journal-Con- low mileage, six, $1595'. J. L.
TODD AUCTION CO. The South's oldest auctioneers, 531 Broad Rome, Ga. (404) 291-7007, Atlanta 577-i634. MArK 1071 UD lunar Air -00 13. CUMMING, GEORGIA Auction, May 20th, 10:30 A.M.
Properly of Judge Hugh D. Sose-bee, his brother and sisters selling for a division. Location: From 1-285 In Atlanta, go 24 miles north on Hwy 400 to Hwy 141 exit, continue 3.6 miles north on Bethel View Cumming, Ga. 95 acres, part of Sawnee Mountain, subdivided Into 17 parcels, from ,3 tp 14 acres. (Near site of Atlanta Steeple Chase.) Come to the sale and buy a tract with a stream, open land or wooded tract.
Terms: 25 dowft, balance in 20 days. For brochure and plat call the auctioneers. T. Lynn Davis Realty Auction Inc. 4459 Broadway, Macon, SJ- '12778-4091.
AUCTIONEER HARRY WHITE FORD beautiful golden black custom paint, radial tires, excellent condi- tinn utllh Al fnnl DODGE Truck 1974, 1-Ton with Utility bodv. air. Pnunr clnarlnn HONDA (Odessev), 1977 model, 8725 firm. 289-0344. HONDA 1000 Gold Wing.
1975, Fairing, extras. $1,850. 973-3864, WALTON Ml INT PLYMOUTH Satellite, 1972, 5immmn. refrigerated produce trailer. Going brakes, low mileage, $4,000 Firm, 427-2626.
"NOTHING Succeeds like Success." Sproul Dempsey Sons Auction Cog 302 W. 3rd Rome, Cut Ihe acreage you need, five uui oi DU5ine. jAO-twu. yie-3M Marietla. 819,500 firm.
Unlike many of the small ponds near Atlanta Lake Hartwell is neither crowded nor contaminated. Wa nave the following choice wooertles available 1.9.acres $27,500 2. 7.94 acres $32,500 3. 6 acres $25,000 (acres $25,000 45 acres $67,500 37 acres $55,500 7. 9 acres $18,500 8.
12 acres And, we have many other acreage tracts-Plus a terrific selection of choice lakefront lots And there are no rlnkv-dlnk off-lake lots across the road from our lakefront MIS. i OR (404) 376-8005 I AlC Uadtujci 1" AUTO Repair garage for lease, 6,000 sq. fully equipped, estab-Hshed customers. 427-6808. After 6, 921-1906.
THE PRACTICAL PRESTIGE OFFICE PARK Well-known location -At Perimeter Hwy. -REASONABLE PRICES -Quality Office Space Small and large -MODERN ATTRACTIVE Central secretarial, copy ai -Dictation Services -EXECUTIVE SUITES -Pleasanlpeople LEHNDORFF'S PERIMETER PARK PLYMOUTH Window Van mf, $700 assume loan. $6700. 949- DODGE Van 100 Series, 1973, excellent condition. AMFM radio, tmrlf kl.ron Inclining Heavy Trucks, Trk, Busei OWENS, 1972, 24' Enclosed Lee Waldrip Auction Co.
iraner, kuii wnn pickup, 938-2241 aires ana up irorrt a proauctive farm. Miles of road frontage, excellent pasture, streams and timber. Easy access to Atlanta. Price $1250 per acre and up flexible, long-term owner fin. wn7dey- WM- PLYMOUTH 1977 Trailrlustn- iV7 vqinesviiig, ua.
3JO-UIJI. DCTCDDII 1Q71 A paneled. 3-speed, 6 cylinder, 22 mpg S35O0. 469-2404. After 6 pm Warehousing 820 T.
LYNN Davis AnrTinw rn ro11 bar v8 automatic, 5000 miles. $4286. Call J. Esles or needs paint, good1 rubber, recent overhaul, $15,500. 483-2021.
wetfMjiios, 4459 Broadway, Macon, 788- BUFORD H'way 1-285 area, DODGE Van 1974. excellent condi- j. ojj-ytvi agt. 4UTI nu. til.
WHITE, 1963, Tandam-Dump, Ul.j r-Lt ocn mi w' Ik.xf warenouse, S240mo. 458-8366. DAMTUCDA 1077 nei DOUGLAS do. Lovelv 4 ic! iiiuiui mv-rvcu. s.qii -QO-yesj, rnallc, power $leering, brakes, air, WASHINGTON County, 157.7 acres, 3 miles north of Warthen, 455-8700 DODGE Van, 1976, customized, Timaculale.
$7,865. 971-0354, 973- HAROLD Cohn and Assoc. Auctioneers, Farr Rd Columbus, Ga. JONES Auction, "We Sell it all!" 28 N. Main, Alpharetta 475-6562.
CLAIRMONTl-85 frontage rd. oftwarehouse. fHU3'Jm- Ko1 Commander II, 290 Cummins, polished front, buds, 38 rears. $31,500. 1-887-0382.
wooded tracts near Dog River. Owner financing. Other small lots tracts- available. Medallion 9-9ft6. trCh' S'- 3-joe.
cm I r-vit. niuuniMufl nr -i iwiabK, uivuynarn oecor, power windows, lilt wheel. AM FM. List $7400. Sell $4601).
422-5107, after 5. tAKE HARTWELL, GEORGIA un nwr. iu. iano, 5, acres of costal Bermuda, good timber, 2 tenant houses. (912) 552-3838 or (912) 552-3614.
nnnr.c 1071: COURTLAND S.F." uiiii.s irum iuu sq. ft. and up. Reasonable. Day HERTZ Used Truck Sales.
4210 Moreland Ave. For Into, call 845 Wonted to Buy Lake hartwell wooded polnl, near 1-85, 810,006. 955-5517. steeringbrakes, air. full custom tnlBpine Ait W11 RANCHERO, 1969.
Loaded, Good icmir, jij-ww. PUTOro wuvu lsaimnu lvVmiJ. John Grant III, 658-1234 unci mi ucai unci mtn-tc 1 1. GREENBRIAR I AIC IArv(MI iwr irusi vo. lower DODGE Van.
197A. Vtnporl A ROME, SAT. MAY 20-11 voiiuiiion, 7ju, y.3-jji, y4a-jB. SCOUT II, New used. Excellent selection of 4 wheel drives.
Call FAYETTE COUNTY Over 2V acres, 10 miles south of Fayeltevllle, wooded excellent building site. S69O0. 996-6030, 5 1974 INTERNATIONAL Cabs Transtar. Financing available. 1, HAVE CLIENTS WITH READY CASH FOR APARTMENTS 8, SHOPPING CENTERS.
CALL SAM, 262-2710. SCHAFFER 550 PEACHTREE. cylinder, Fullv custom interior with Captain's chairs. Stereo, 8- track taoe. Amur Iran Cnnarei LOCATION: From Rome, go out the Rockmarl Rd.
approx. 7 miles agr. DEKALB Co. lowest rale for comparable space, 3,000 sq. ft.
Io sq. ft. available for Immediate occupancy, Jeffrey Small, Lanlrac Properties, 266-1334. 2 BR. home, large waterfront lot In termanent home neighborhood, oads of living space, boat house, patio, basement.
Great for retirement living or weekends. $20,000. By owner, 483-5838 days; 483-3247 Lracius SALE CfftllT II wheels, Fog lights. Ladder, Spare PEACHSTATE FORD TRUCK 1-85 North, 449-5300, 449-5310 NORTHSlDE tRUCK SALES iv ricaaam numf v.nuri.n, lurn IBM follow our signs. Property is mo moum, mw, uow mneage.
Reasonable Rental RATES Office Suites from 500 sq.ft. EXECUTIVE PARK SOUTH 2945 Stone Hogan Ctr. 349-0968 Trni. urv. nog, wia i.
FULTON. INniKTDIAI Dlr tTrymyz, pejiween 9 a.m. 1 p.m. Pickups, Vons, 4 WD 912 nnnr.c t. ioit stbUT 1972 4 wheel drive, V8, Transportation Small ofcw'hse.
2050 sq. lis ft. swwws. van 7ir nice, BLAZER, 1971, 4 wheel drive, mnes, carpets, 4Z-B76. 900 E.
A. BAYLIS, Owner, 237-9227. LAKE Lanier. Beautiful lot. Must sell, $5000.
John Reeves, 1525-A Cooper Hill Road, Birmingham, i kkun. 7C41A fqn nnifn DODGE Van 1977 27" ft nuin- exieiicni conanion. lw. yl-3JU. SILVERADO CREW CAB FAYETTE COUNTY! 214 to 18 ACRE TRACTS! Wooded or partly open, lots of hardwoods and cedar.
Priced from $9,800. We have a good selection of larger 8, sm. tracts avail For more Info. Call today. 461-6371 HUIE BRAY REALTY Blazer.
1974. onwer tian matlc, air- power steering, 2,000 miles. $5988. Call J. stes or J.
NOKTHEASTl-285 exposure. 3,150 sq. ft. Including 1,000 sq. ft.
JIW. AV3t T30-7U07. nan-war neiween Kama eno Rockmart. APPROX. 380 ACRES ON PLEASANT HOPE, SHIFT-LET 8, DARYL RDS.
Beautiful wooded homesites; good farmland. Offered in 20 tracts. Excellent investment. J. L.
TODD AUCTION CO. ROME GA (404) 291-7007 ATLANTA PHONE: 577-2634 steering, air, 1200-1500 tires, spoke 1978 Leaded. James Evans, 688-5141. uiouTter ojj-y iyi agi. wmuiici qjg-7171 oyt.
wneeia. uanas, W3-Q3I. LAKE LANIER. "Large beautiful lake lot in Lumpkin 'i mile from proposed GA. 400, also other DODGE 1962 Pickup, 383 engine BLAZER.
1976. automatic, nnwpr S. COBB Ind. 312,000 sq. ofc.warehouse space avail.
7178. Call Mr. Fowler, 794-8211. steeringbrakes, AMFM, $3800. nciurs ique propgny.
a3-mii. net 1. ejuiuiiiain. iiiner, iieeai re- pair on body, $300. 477-0421, after SUBURBAN 73 S779 qiier 3 905 Aviation and Services 910 Heavy Trucks, Buses 9 2-Pickups, Vans, 4 wd 915 Motorcycles, and needs 920 Auto Parts, Services 922 Tires, Brakes, Services 925-Anlique Classic Autos, Needs 930 Wanted, Automobiles 935Car, Truck Lease, Rent 940 Aulo Loans, Insurance 945 Imported or Sports Cars 950 Autos for Sale Hwy.
85 N. Fayeltevllle BLAZER '74, Cheyenne. 12,000 One owner, loaded. See at John nnnr.c 1011 AinA 4,.. Ji.a MOBILE HOME LOTS INTERSTATE EAST Candler Rd.
at 1-20. Space from 125 to 15,000 sq. ft. Compelitive rales. All services Including onslle management.
1-man offices with secretarial services available. Call Stonehenge Properties, 2964 Ember Decatur. miie my. oM-tiua atter arnnn lompany. in- uk.
iw, niuw van. aia p. new rebuilt engine, good tires. FLEMING (30 miles from Savanah) 43 ac, modern 3 BR house, barn. $63,000.
912-884-2085. TOYOTA Land Cruiser 1975. W3U. TQJ-33UO. LAKE Lanier, 4 Br.
cabin, on 2 deep water lots, $26,500. 252-7115. LAKE Sinclair. 1 acre lot, 120 foot lake frontage, paved roads, electric hook-up, near Crooked Creek fish Camp. $9400, terms available.
Evenings and weekends. 529-6059, days. BRONCO 1970, 302 V8, wide FULTON COLLEGE PARK SNAPFINGERl-20 E. WELL LOCATED ATTRACTIVE NEAR PERIMETER EAST 9500 sq.ft. w750 ofc.
7161 sq. ft. 4480 AC. 4480 sq. ft.
Fully AC. sq. ft. storage only. U.S.
INVESTORS SERV, INC. wneeis, iires, szuw. ia-qo3i. DODGE 1971, Max! Van, 318 engine, power steerina. brakei steel wheels, winter tires, channels, 38,700 miles.
$4200. 961- FULLY IMPROVED FOR SALE 3 locations 'A to 1 acre no money down payments start at $44 monthly free move-owner financing. Also available, Ww.mSDle homes at dealers cost. 981-5830 or alter 5 p.m. week- BRONCO, 1971, With lots ol Beautiful landscaped 1 ac lot.
Janice Drive, dogwoods, garden spot. 463-4574. Aviation and Services 905 automatic, air, AMFM-tape deck. exiras. Tay-ppo.
nnnnc 1074 inn' TOYOTA Land Cruiser, 1977. AM FM 8 track. 15,000 miles. $5100 iiauBtiioii iuu, 1-85 AT NORTH DRUID HILLS 615 sq. ft.
office. All ulils and cleaning. Ground floor, with parking. Avail, now. Reasonable.
636- W-66II j-i pp 1 1 Miscellaneous Realry 790 I MrKellaneoui Realty 790 ye, automatic, mags, side pipes. Roneer package, 302 V8. automaile, power steering, low mileage, exlr. clean. Tommy Neelev: 912862-5202; 912862-3519 uner.
cnua, ueveroper. AZTEC 1976, 485TT, King silver crown IFR, RNAV, KWX-50 radar, radar altimeter, 3 auto pilot, lone range tanks, like new. Private use only. $97,000, lease available. Ashevllle.
North Ca- P.T. Sin SOUTHWEST Atlanta, Ideal truck shopor welding shop. Approx. JtSOO set. ft.
Bargain. Needs repair, TOYOTA Pickuo 1970. VANS FULL PRICE Over 40 In Stack jw. xy-pnu7. condition.
$895. 766-1904. evenings. nnnne 107- 1 Di.i...n TriVClTA 1071 Chrvrl Kn4 .717 po, air, yoj-3131. uir.
KENSINGTON ronna, uwi yM-aaua. II IVUI IU. ii ua. COUNTRY Hide-a-way near Cedartown, Georgia off 278 Highway. 65 acres.
45 open. Fenced and cross fenced. Ideal for cattle or horses. 4 year old, 3 BR, brick wece, 5 room frame house, also wi, longpeo with camper, loaded, cruise control, Also, 1963 nine. CKcengni.
yni'jtM, BLOCK TIME IN rharoka SOUTHWEST Atlanta, ideal truck lh5BrrwlldlnB, Approx. 2,500 sq. ft. Bargain. Needs repair.
DODGE 1976, straight shift, 6 Winder, excellenl condition, TOYOTA 1977 oirkun. oT VA PROPERTY NOTICE TO BROKERS The Properties listed below ore offered far sale far the first rime at the prices and terms shewn and are subject to a five day priority period during which time all offers received will ba centered simultaneous offers. Arrow, $32 per hr. 10 hrs. per mo.
Full IFR wilh DME, AC, LENOX DODGE uw, wcw. oa-3ppo, aner aau. tonDbed. 10,000 miles, like new. 997-2041.
CHEVROLET Bloier, 1974, 4-wheel drive, power steering, automat e. rariin. Mita tuhoAla uuuuc, ivB tradesman zoo van yutwuiiuiiiy. i7j. fully customized, every option: too BONANZA V-35 FOR LEASE.
wft54OUSES FOR LEASE. 4000 100,000 sq. ft. Brokers protected. M.K.
CONSTRUCTION CO. E.Ei ni rrTl jiisiii I I tm.tmn TRUCKS much to mention, 16,000 miles, one 'tc. etc 5WO0 miles, excellent condition. $4100. Cell Mr.
Williams, owner, oj-jiub. J-UUI. JJ3-OUW. KeS. J3l-iyB.
suit Sat I i RCHSUnilDLE KM I ta. JO-UpII. CARDINAL, RG, 1977, one owner, 412 TT. all options. Full IFR, DME, tony Miller 404455-7070.
DODGE 1977. B-200 Mavi UUi DEER HUNTING LANDS TIM-BER TRACT IN MIDDLE GEORGIA 181 A. native 8, planted pines, about 110 miles south of Atlanta, by appointment, $250 an Jonnie Johnson (912) 986-3131, Allfarm Sales, dow Van. loaded. 415 miles.
Full Ml 60,000 SQ. ft. warehouse. RR sid-InOj, sprinklered, good elevator. wer will finance Cheyenne Super 1974, 454 engine, automatic, air, power steerina ft brak.
amcm Two trucks, traded on recreational vehicles, must be sold for some price. Can be seen only at CUM-BERLAND CAMPERS. 433-1055 uir, warranty, never tilled. Excellent condition. Days.
451-4300; nights 7131 7462 FULTON COUNTY ADWESscrrv 1S44 Mayflowef 7 2B. (R). 25Winw8d.7iTii.(U), 1183EnletiinSI Srl.6Rmt.nj), 1111 Mithews SW. 6 (II). qi 070.
i w-rjj. yiaT, ug. 912 camper top, 38,000 miles. $3995. 942-5108, 942-4977: Ron Smith.
in tir i Tv, 8310 327.500 flNI 33.500 All CASH J4 010 All CASH t9.900AUCASH J8 500PLANI.IOVRS FIN. SQUARE EXCELLENT LOCATION MEMORIAL DRIVE JUST INSIDE 1-285 Across Street From New Maria Park Ride Station Custom Designed Executive Office From 500 sq. ft. Convenient Front Door Parking. Individual Thermostats and Individual Restroom Facilities.
All services including on-sighl management. Russell E. Manes 404-294-5366 Broker Participation CESSNA Skyhawk, 172, 1964, new top on engine, new upholstery. M-K-12 and transponder. Full pannel, $7500 firm.
Billy Stackler, 912-935- DODGE-1977 Club Cab Pickup. EGG FARM Totally Automated. Eggs never touched by hand. 3 P.B IS. fcrlk 1AA Realtors 521-0100 100 P'tree St OFkil Dtrai TV rn CHEVROLET utnc new.
MIT, iw, yn-vja-BBoe. Macon. Ga S.E. Bldg, 377-6411 Decatur 8490 211503 319033 322740. DODGE 1977 Godfather Conversion Van.
loaded. I ltt ti07nn 348, ou Virginia. Union Cilf, Rms, 2MB, (R), ASSOCIATION Hi 16258 140. STEPVANS MONTH TO MONTH STORAGE small lake, farm machinery out buildino. Owner Moving to Florida.
Glen Rice, 404-857-28S6. Summer-ville. Ga. 'CONDO HOMtOWWRS $33,000 PLAN I $55,000151,000 Absolutely daiilina, like new, must 3880 Will 28. (S).
CESSNA 150, V. Interest. Based Peachtree. Bargain price. 449-5751.
CESSNA, 150L, 1971-2270 TT, 270 SMOH, fresh annual, KXI45, transponder, pilot heat, excellent maintenance. Tony Miller 404455- nw lonirdcT or lease, w-dimj. NEED Temp Whsing? I.J. Kapplin, 1365 P'tree, 892-8989; 355-7857. FROM DEKALB COUNTY New '780-100 Pick Up DODGE 1977 Van, B100, fullv CUS-tomlzed, new tires 8, mags, power steering, automatic, AMFM 8 track, 256-4453, 256-4420.
W'HOUSE-Ofc-stores SPACE-FINDERS 266-2334 3179 Maple. 2099 GlHiwod 5 (R), 3.78 AC. OWNER Nice end open. Only $6,850, $250 SM me. Near 4-Lsne Griffin OX.
for M. Heme. Cat! Rob-arts, 29? 5498 VVHSES: Store end land. C8.S (4JC ira tent cnon DpAnn in-Tj r- ii invneq 103H 217121 8551 218462 267391 185101 313533 S2.9MHAM Slfi.OOOPtANI S22.soonuti Slt.SOOflUII 7t00PlANi 1 1 uoveroaw urns, (U), 2342 Mainland CI, Ottatur. 8 Rms, 28, (Ft).
342 Jackson Oecalur. 4 (R). 255 Camomile Ant, Decatur. (U), Condition, 445-9493, 445- 7JW. 825 (395AC.BA.1QAIN DEER DEER.
40 ac overlooks CESSNA, 411, company bankrupt, excellent condition. Executive interior, mid-time engine. Cessna 800, NAVCOM, DME NAV-0-MATlC auto pilot, KT-74, transponder, RCAAVQ radar. Alromlc ALT, air data, digital ADS indicator many more extras. Call AI N.E.
1-85 8, North Druid Hills area. Convenient location, variety of office space available. Free parking, Day Realty, 325-4444, 2751 Buford FORD Frnnnlin. Van 10M tT- BUCKHEAD, Tower Place Area built Enoine. FyH tin.
Klin. hjv noniiH wcaui, 3 Kins, (tt). ninijiver, ige. spring, trees, rf 3-eMl, Danger Rlty. Asking $500, 941-9634.
Ask For MISC KETR0 cAiciisivciy remoaeiea i rem. ut-fice House, Ideal Professional or Comml. 1,500 ft. paved parking. A oan ur sieve.
from FORD Econollne Van, 1969, good 71-137. iiiv.ox no. BEAiinFoi. Cattle and Horse Farm-Complete with lake, 4 br. house, barn, 25 min.
to 1-285. 55.5 acres Forsyth County. 993-2703 NORTH DECATUR blk off Scott Blvd. Single office $75, double ncL MEDLOCK 534 CENTURY 21 Benefield Rlty 544 Medlock 4t-Q7f COMMONWEALTH Skyranger, 2 Place 85 HP, good condition, except needs prop, wlH trade, or sell. FORD Econollne 49 000 mllei.
682 1 Rt. 8, Old Airport R4 Cairellton, 7 Rms 1WB, (R), RI 3. Martf m. Dallas, 6 Rms, 1MB. (R), 552 Plantation LawrencevUle, Rms, 28, (R), 5632 Bimy Littturn.
i Rms, 2B, (R), 21 18 Chestnut lilhia Springs. 6 1KB, (R), READY TO WORK! nvpnglllf .7,3. 3'3TJ. iww. aoo- uor.
DECATUR BY OWNER. 120 Candler 1 block from Marta sta-lon, 2400 sq. ft. office building. Large paved Barking area.
688- uar, oqi-ifjf nignu. 33696 288013 307379 330144 294544 322 452 9353 301015 298819 337913 FORD Explorer F100 1973 Pickup with Camper. Excellent Condition. lU.e GRUMMAN Trainer for lease at WILDERNESS Lands ta AHnrH. 35.5MrtAtll J33.500PIANI $42,900 Ml $41,900 $46,900 Ml $45,900 831.500PIANI S36.000PIANI I29.900PIANI J35.900PIANI $39,900 PIANI $37,500 PLAN I t3v.
7ei-iou. NORTH! AKF ARFA ouv. able rustic farm tracts. Send for our catalog and our log home brochure 2022 Powers Ferry Rd. jza-uou.
yja-iHoy, LYCOMING Franklin Air Crafl Engines, 104. 1 150 HP. 912-781- FnPn Pvnlnrnr 107J Imm uhul vasv. 3W. 7.3-ey.
aner p.m. cnon cinn nn. EAST POINT. Main Masonry 35' 110', six bays wo'-head Ideal for aulo. business.
REALTY CO. 2250 N. Druid Hills 321-5025 w. tww 17,.. from APPROXIMATELY 20 acres In Powder Sorinos area for sale.
Fi Park at your own private entrance to, first floor offices. Fully carpeted with private bath. Ideal for small company. 890 sq. 2 doors south of Lavisla Rd.
on Montreal Rd. S5-7J2Sr Includes ulil. Call camper, Tool oox. SIVIW. 366-4816.
mm nancing Is available. 943-5188. 10 FORD F100 Pickup 1977, 302 straiaht shift, amcm a Wi, PITTS fuselage and miscellaneous parts. $450. 461-8205.
SKYMASTER II, 1976, 290TT, full IFR, full Robertson STOL. like new. $69,000, lease available. Ashevme, North Carolina, (704) om io pm. oaiiy.
FOREST PK. Sell or Lease, 2,000 mm I01- iwo, tut, i 502 telle ct, Peachtrte City. 7 Rms, ltt 8. (R), 4551 1915 Highwai 92, Woodstock, i 2B, (R). ROME AREA Rt 3, Cornelius Cedatlown, 5 148.
(R), Rt 4. 111012. 1st Sett, 3rd Cumming, i (R), Rt.2.WtiitmireDt.,CaineswHe,4Rms.,(U), EQUAL M0USIN6 OPPORTUNITY 4869 kevslone wheels, white leather FREE CATALOG. United Perm Agency, 1895-MA. Phoenix 328 747 279087 299162 278602 $23,900 PIANI $25,500 PI AN I $73,900 PLAN I TUW-aSJUO, FbRb F100 1967, short wheelbase, Stinson 108-1, new cover, 54 i Tfl in Aroci ncin7tu imimiiun.
nnun, jewuu. vvanteo txriausl pRIME industrial or manufaclur-fno buildings for sale or lease 55,000 sq. ft. Additional commercial "0 to 94 acres at 12000.00 per acre FN REALTY 0.Pi0Bo41' Eufnula Alabama i 36027. Phone number OVER 100 TRUCKS IN STOCK! 'lacus ror unaoria, W4-y4B-7204.
of cooitol, low as JB25 dn $40.10 monlhly. Call FORD, F100, 1974-6 cylinder, miles, with cap. $1600 firm. 691-0060 days Lois, 948-4557 nights. 115" Wheelbase, 6 cylinder, 3 speed oil gauge, cigar lighter, Stic.
No. 42023. $463.21 down cash or trade, cash price $3663.21, 48 def. pyml." $4536.01, APR. 11.82 wapp.
credit. Add only Go. tax, tag, prep. t-LANCE. Collins.lFR, Big AP.
loaded, ATLANTA AIRCRAFf SALES, Inc Piper Dealer, 946-3108 or 363-9801. FARwsLANUSSuburban Homes MERfStAUIS9 NORTHPOINT OFFICE PARK 1-85 1 PLEASANTDALE Easy access from 1-85. Adiacent Holiday Inn N.E. On site banking and secretarial service. All utilities and cleaning included.
Best rate in town for comparable space. FREE HEALTH CLUB FACILITIES CARTER ASSOC. INC. 449-1200 4126 Pleasanldale Rd. N.E.
PEACH1 REE PRESTIGE Trie beautiful Bankers Fidelity Life Building. 2045 Peechtree Road E.Tel.: 351-4029 or 231-1010, FORD F250 1976, 3A ton, 4 speed, power steering brakes, AM, nice. $2850. 449-1620, 449-4040, 74-4 51 Stockbrldoe NEED listings on large acreages. Georgia First Really, 524 Carnegie atier a.
FORD F3S0 1970. hydraulic lail- JOY, 'inanciiia ArailaH enapt change in the ubawe. OWNER, S.E. Cherokee Couniy' EPPS AIR SERVICE SPRING SPECIALS 196 Aitec 1968 Bonanza 1967 Cherokee 180 1976 Warrior 1962 Commanche 180 1977 Warrior II 1976 Cherokee 140 gate, V8, heavy duty, absolutely must sell! 81,000. 471-6345.
AtLANTA Area. 1603 Slewart 1300 sq. fl. $24,900. 5400 sq.
ft. great location, RR access. Io 9.5 acres, Hwy. 41, Jones- boro, $25,000 per ac. JOHN HER- ATLANTA DIRECT S31-J1M.
SALES TRAINING CLASSES an held the FIRST and THIRD Thursday ol each month at 9:30 AM el the Regional Olhce and ate open to all brokers and sales associates. jmoii acreage, conv. to NO, f-ulton. CnCn Dinlfi.n IPC. tu leiiiia.
TRUCK SALES 766-1661 v.v nuH, ja, aiu, w.u, IIVW tag, sticker. S550. 525-8424. A 8, RLTY. Specializing In Land.
924 W. Taylor Griffin: 228-6666. FORD Pickup, 1976, automsllc, sower steering, nice. 448-8494, Aat, AAA A A..